Sitemap - 2023 - Wrong Side of History

Sunday West 45

A little English Journey

The rise and fall of American eugenics

What the Italians did for us

'He’s no longer a soldier, he’s a human being'

Volcanoes and the fate of civilization

How to write a substack

Little Palestines across the Americas

Sunday West 44

The Tories would keep Romeo and Juliet apart

Tokyo syndrome

Having nice things in Japan

Ireland’s rebellion problem

The hero of our nation

Sunday West 43

Saxons versus Vikings

Richard III, king of northern hearts

The judges v ‘the people’

Hear me out, but maybe PR is the answer

If you’re thinking of 'defending' the Cenotaph…

Middle-earth and Narnia in a post-Christian world

On respectability cascades

Europe’s turn to the Right

How the Holy Land came to divide Britain

Canon Club #1: Milton's Paradise Lost

Homes for Hamas

Sunday West 42

The repaganisation of the West

Why can’t Jordan take in the Gazans?

The Reverse Floyd moment

Poland's road to multiculturalism

Farewell, Based Poland

On academics, Israel and decolonisation

Cities should be for living, not dying

Post-liberalism and my discontents

Thirteen wasted years

The quest for community

Why multiculturalism can be hard

The Polish way of rebuilding

The Battle for Britain's history

Here from the start?

Sunday West 41

Launching the Canon Club

History is a prison of memory

Sunday West 40

The great American exodus

Can James Bond be woke?

Sunday West 39

How Tolkien created an English national myth for the world

Living the dream on two wheels

East Germany, its failures and successes

Telling the story of life in communist Germany

A lot can happen in 10,000 years

In praise of European laziness

National Service – the bad idea that won’t die

Ideology and the death of satire

The one about the utopian ideology which killed millions

Britain's frontier people

‘It is not the owners. It is the breed.’

How Victorian prudes ruined everything

The power law of crime

Sunday West 38

Where are Jews safest in Europe?

The empire strikes back: Notes on the French Intifada (part 3)

Dancing upon a volcano: Notes on the French Intifada (part 2)

Notes on the French Intifada

Waitrose-grad vs the ‘NIMBocrites’

Immigration and the cup of eternal life

The NHS, the War and the rebirth of Britain

Sunday West 37

We must not give up on teaching French

The long defeat of French

What if Britain was run like Glastonbury?

‘You Called… and We Came’

Irish-Americans vs. 'Irish-English'

What is the secret of our success?

We hail Blackadder, we hail Blackadder!

Making plans without Nigel

How the Brexiteers came to own the libs

A bizarre nation of animal-loving oddballs

Won't somebody please think of the children?

What is 'National Conservatism'?

The Feast of Fools at Westminster Abbey

Sunday West: May 7

The worst coronations in history

Let us call him 'King Charles the Builder'

The narcissism of large differences

The British colonial mindset

Prestige and the art of Sprezzatura

Sunday West: April 16

The 12-year-olds running the BBC website

The eternal rebels

It was ten years ago today

The rise and fall of the ‘good’ British Empire

Edinburgh is worth a Mass

Sunday West: March 26

We can't escape from 1938

The clash within civilisation

The burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire

No religion or politics please, we're British

Sunday West: March 12

Liberal Tears Win in the Marketplace of Ideas

The myth of London's empty homes

Iraq was all about blood

Britain's new moral guardians

Sunday West: February 26

History should be a black comedy, not a morality tale

The culture war as mating strategy

Make parenting easier with this one weird trick

Sunday West: February 19

The Tudor guide to winning a culture war

The great conexit from public life

Sunday West: February 12

Our Modern Babylon

The last conservative moral panic

Sunday West: February 5

The fall and rise of American religion

How we became a Low T society

Stalin and the birth of British values

America is the new Russia

Sunday West: January 22

Everything you wanted to know about western civilisation

The rise of the 'nepo baby'

Would Martin Luther King be anti-'woke'?

Sunday West: January 15

‘The worst of all despotisms is the heartless tyranny of ideas’

This is why we can't have nice things

The trouble with royal spares

Sunday West: January 8

The modern cruelty of schools

The triumph of 'asymmetrical multiculturalism'