Sitemap - 2022 - Wrong Side of History

Thank you for reading in 2022

The last shall be first and the first last

West’s modern English dictionary

Are we living in a dystopia?

Sunday West: December 11

The Frenchest things in the world… Part Deux

Put not your trust in woke princes

Road pricing is better than road communism

Sunday West: December 4

The rise and fall of British institutions

Will conservatives win the battle of the cradle?

Can we take back control of the institutions?

Sunday West: November 27

The Age of Restlessness

The worldwide struggle for moral superiority

Beware the post-Protestant missionaries

Sunday West: November 20

What should small-c conservatives believe?

Why are women more Left-wing now?

Poland – the country that refused to die

The heroic story of Poland

The sweet, sweet allure of elite approval

Twitter is weak and it’s decadent. It needs a strong leader

Sunday West: November 6

What happened to Broken Britain?

Sunday West: October 30

House prices and the slow death of city life

The tragedy of Telford's girls

Sunday West: October 23

We all know these children have no future

Did cars kill urban life?

The strange death of liberal Sweden

Sunday West: October 16

The conservative case for international aid

There is no wrong side of history

The day the world’s fate was played out

Sunday West: October 9

Is dopamine destiny (in politics)?

History's greatest survivors (and crossovers)

In defence of ideas unpopular with the British public

Sunday West: October 2

What lies behind the denial of human nature?

The triumph of the blank slate

Britain is out of step with a Right-wing continent

The liberal superego and the conservative id

Is victory in Ukraine a vindication of liberalism?

If The Queue is good enough for David Beckham…

Sunday West: September 18

The rational case for monarchy

Elizabeth II, Churchill and links to the past

West's weekly round-up: September 11

The British Empire lives on... in the minds of the New York Times

Old Britain has a cancer — the cancer is crime

West's weekly round-up: September 4

The Matter of Middle-earth and the new Matter of Britain

West's weekly round-up: August 8-14

Everything is vibes and nothing is real

France will always be divided (and that's why we love it)

West's weekly round-up: August 1-7

England and Germany's family fallout

Liberalism is in Liz Truss's blood

The Victorian pioneers of women's football

West’s weekly round-up: July 18-24

Atypical vs. average: the great battle of our time

RETURN to real weather

The Second Anglo-Indian Empire

West's weekly round-up: July 11-17

Ukraine’s dangerous Viking history

Explaining Tory Diversity

Today we celebrate our unification day

Fortuna favoured Boris Johnson... until she changed her mind

West’s weekly round-up: July 4-10

We need to talk about posterity

What has Boris got to show for it all?

There's some corner of a foreign field that is forever America

West's weekly round-up: July 3

Can Britain do ‘soft power’ anymore?

The horror our age will be remembered for

Fascism is coming to Britain and it's terrifying

West's weekly round-up: June 20-26

Why is Glastonbury so white?

Make England Merry Again

Is America becoming less WEIRD?

Civic Rites and Civil Rights

West's weekly round-up: June 13-19

The strange phenomenon of Stockholm syndrome for crime

Why Britain needs a First Amendment

The unstoppable rise of British Twee

Why men don’t age like wine

On Danish exceptionalism

Is 'taking the knee' a moral, political or religious gesture?

What does a man need to do to go to jail?

‘Hard times create strong men... weak men create hard times’

Time to decolonise British political discourse

Why are the British so boring with names?

The growing ideological baby gap

Is there such a thing as ‘Scouse exceptionalism’?

Why finance sucks the life out of Britain (and journalism)

Are we seeing another medieval revival?

Medieval history gets medieval on itself

The death of the urban Tory

From space empire to decadence

The hunt for the kick-ass Viking girlboss

Return of the Mac(ron), terrible ideas from the 60s, and the (radical) Right Young Things

How the Vikings became the goodies

People only like free speech when they’re losing

Marine Le Pen and the Thatcher Paradox

The Brexiteers had one job

Britain as the only Left-wing theocracy in history

Hurtling towards all-out European war

Russia getting cancelled, the dishonesty of 'fact-checking' and Britain's upcoming lost decade(s?)

Empires v nations: a battle as old as time

Can there be forgiveness after Christianity?

Theology in the age of identity

Would we lock down for COVID-22?

Why intellectuals gush over despots

If Russia is England, is Ukraine Ireland? (Or Scotland? Or Wales?)

The 'Oikophobia' of the Right

The chilling return of shibboleths

I will never accept ‘Kyiv’

'Children of Men' is really happening

The Ukraine refugee crisis has shown the best of Europe

What happened to British comedy?

In politics, it’s best to beware of foreigners

The brain drain as economic war: saying the quiet bit out loud

Putin’s war and the making of European unity

The fall of communism, the trouble with mental health awareness, and the Zemmourification of France

Was Ukraine 'invented' by Lenin's Bolsheviks?

Why Emperor Trudeau has to crush the truckers

The ancient mysteries of London Town

Living (and losing) the First Culture War

Russia's post-Soviet humiliation

Are we vaccinated against conservatism?

When student protests weren’t dominated by ‘snowflakes’

The Revolution of Rising Female Expectations

The Sexual Revolution's Titanic winners and losers

What Fukuyama’s End of History got right

Does prison reduce crime? Yes, obviously

Why clever people believe stupid things

America's imaginary Civil War, Robin Hood the reactionary, and what the 1619 Project gets wrong

How German are the English?

My hot take – Lenin was bad

What do Boris Johnson and Erich Honecker have in common?

Do we miss Trump just a little bit?

We will miss the BBC when it’s gone

Whatever happened to France?

Why is so much academic writing unreadable?

The mind virus killing academia

America’s road to January 6

On vaccines, some people would rather be dead than wrong

1997: the year that changed Britain